Monday, October 20, 2008

Tabitha's 10th birthday

Tabitha's 10th birthday is technically tomorrow but Mr. G got called for a job interview tomorrow so she got to open her presents today. She has wanted a red dress for quite a while so I decided to sew her one and she also got a flannel petticoat and a pinafore. She is a voracious reader so I bought her Probable Sons (a big thank you to Cassandra for steering us toward Lamplighter books) and Treasures of the Snow by Patricia St. John. She wanted a diary so I found her a sweet one with a kitten on it and she also got a crafty-thing to make pillows with and, of course, underwear! With her own $20 from Gramma she got a lot of Sculpey clay and a mold to make Sculpey people.
This was my first ever attempt at making sleeve jockies, they are piped with brown piping, the sleeves themselves are bishop sleeves and the cuffs are trimmed in a matching brown stripe. It has a yoked bodice and instead of gathering the lower bodice portion I directionally pleated it in both the front and back. She has 3 growth tucks in the skirt. The whole thing has plenty of room so hopefully she can wear it for 2 winters.

We will have her birthday dinner and cake on the 22nd, so more pictures to come!


  1. I LOVE the dress. It is beautiful and she looks so happy in it! Happy Birthday Tabitha!

  2. Hi!!

    Tabitha's dress is awesome. You did a great job!!

    Happy birthday, Tabitha!!!!


  3. Thanks you two, I know you can appreciate what went into it!

  4. The dress is beautiful! Happy Birthday to Tabitha!!
