Prepare yourself to be amazed, for I, yes even I, have in fact knitted something. BE IT KNOWN: that the person formerly known as Not-Quite-A-Real-Woman-Because-She-Can't-Knit (snicker, snicker) has decided that though living vicariously through the knitting genius of others did in fact afford some benefit, the loss of self respect and perpetual whining got too tiresome and has, therefore, met its Waterloo.
So, without further ado, introducing my combination dish cloth/wash cloth. :-)

You might (or then again might not) remember that I couldn't purl, so I endeavored to learn this wily stitch through a book that I've had for about a decade. I *do not* learn well through books (that is
such an understatement) but I can't watch
YouTube videos and none of my knitting friends would consent to fly here and tutor me so I was forced to man up (so to speak) and just
learn it already!
However, *this next part is spoken in a small hushed voice*, I'm afraid that I didn't do it right. The opposite side is a mirror image of this side, can that be right? I tried to call a friend this morning to ask her, but naturally people can't be at home when I have momentous and Earth shattering questions about knitted dish cloths. What I thought I was doing was knitting 2 rows and then purling 2 rows, but the rows that look knitted on this side appear to be purled on the opposite side and the purled rows here look knitted back there, so I'm figuring my jubilation is in vain.
Any help or suggestions are appreciated. :-)