Monday, November 17, 2008

Oh happy day!

I have *finally* got all the CdV's uploaded to the other site. I did the last 40 yesterday and today and I'm so glad to have that done!!! They are here if you'd like to take a look.

Well, in other news........ we got more cider pressed, bringing our total to 55 gallons, that's a good feeling. ;-) I've been busily sewing my wrapper that I need for the "Christmas in Zoar" event coming up in 3 weeks. And, we made homemade cranberry apple relish! We had it with herbed porkchops one night and with chicken tonight. It is *so* good!

Sorry for such a short post but I'm rather tired tonight. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to look at all the CDV's!! Thanks for putting them up!
    Wow y'all got more cider then we did! :D I can't wait to see what your wrapper turns out like. ;)
