Wednesday, February 18, 2009

...and walk therein

A few times a year I get the "book of stuff" out and update it; that's a pretty mundane name for something that I value highly, isn't it? I should really think of a more suitable title for it, but so far nothing has come to mind. I began my journey with this book almost 8 years ago and I'm so glad I did. Whenever something is given to me or is purchased, it is recorded in the book. Mind you, only things that will be heirlooms and passed down, not things like bath towels. ;-) I record who gave it to me and why, or if purchased then I will write where I got it and how much I paid. When my parents have given me things I will ask them to tell me again the story behind it and I take careful notes, which then become part of the legacy of the book. So everytime I get it out it allows us to look at what riches we've been given and be thankful all over again. It also assures that we don't forget. The particular book I chose is full of beautiful watercolors and has appropriate "thankful" verses, many of them scripture.

We have strayed from being an oral culture and we tend not to tell and retell the stories of our heritage, unfortunately this helps us to forget who we are. God understood this human tendency and gave His children the admonition not to forget; remember it, talk about it, tell it again and again! The book helps me do this.

The cute little butter crock above was my Valentine's Day gift from Mr. G. We don't normally celebrate Valentine's but this year he bought me cheesecake (2 different kinds), Hershey's Kisses, Peanut Butter cups, and a yellow rose. I don't know what came over him, he must be twitterpated. ;-)

This lovely treasure was also purchased this past weekend, it is a "Krusty Korn Kobs" cornbread pan. I normally find corny spellings really obnoxious, but for whatever reason I'm completely charmed with this pan. It was patented in 1920 so maybe the era it came from makes it less corny (pun intended, haha) than a modern thing would, I don't know.

In other news, I got my carpet back from the cleaners today!!! I'm so glad, there's no carpet here just wood and *cold* tiles. The carpet is a HUGE 100%wool rug, it weighs a few hundred pounds so we don't move it much. It makes the livingroom so much more cozy, a perfect place to curl up with a book.
I need to get cracking on supper and bathe little people afterwards but I want to leave you with this thought.......
"Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein."
Jeremiah 6:16


  1. I love your idea of a memory book! I think that's so neat. Then, when you pass those things down to your children, and your children's children, and THEIR children, the stories will still exist and they will become ever so much more special. Neat!

  2. But Paris...what if I want to know the story behind your bath towels? :P The book is(was) an excellent idea. I never actually got a book but I have a bunch of papers with the history of most of my stuff. I've intended to go with the book idea since you had first mentioned it but we all know how quickly I tend to get most things done. :)

    Your loving follower of a sister
