Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Welcome Little Stranger

Asa Bedford Graham

September 22, 2009

6:28 A.M.

8 lbs 12 oz 21" long
Long looked for, come at last! We decided to get the show on the road a little early this time. We knew he was going to be big (albeit, not that big!) so we opted to have him by my due date as normally I go at least a week and sometimes 2 weeks over my due date. I am so glad that we did as he easily could have topped 10 lbs! He has a 14.5" head which is my biggest ever (no problems though with that, thankfully!) but I wouldn't have wanted him any bigger, as it is he can't wear the smallest baby caps that we made. :-/

And the gowns........... well, instead of wearing them for 3-4 months as I'd hoped, I think I'll be doing well to get 6 weeks use out of them. Oh well, I like to sew, right? :-) They fit perfectly right now.

I came home yesterday afternoon, I hate being away, that's the hardest part. We did manage to keep him with us the entire time and in addition to everything we knew we were going to refuse (antibiotic eye drops, PKU test, Vitamin K shot, Hep B shot) there was a ton of proceedures that we hadn't anticipated. They wanted to heel stick him to blood type him, heel stick him to check his blood sugar levels, heel stick him to check his bilirubin levels, give him a hearing test, give me a rubella shot...... anyway, we escaped unscathed! They were really nice about everything though, I couldn't have asked for better. Still, there's no place like home! We are so thankful to be able to enjoy the blessings of a baby in the house again! :-)
Thanks for all of your well wishes and prayers.


  1. Oh Paris he is beautiful! He looks so healthy and it even seems he is smiling a bit in the last picture. What a doll! He looks very happy to be arrived and I'm sure everyone is so excited that he is finally here! What a great name too. . .does Bedford have a significance to it beyond being a lovely name in and of itself?

    He looks so adorable in the gowns. . .at least he can wear them for a little while! :)

    Congratulations again!

  2. Sarah, thanks for the well wishes, I agree, he *is* a doll! :-)

    Asa is a family name on my Mother's Father's side, he was a Civil War veteran from NY. Bedford is a family name on my Mother's Mother's side, he was a veteran from VA in the War of Northern Aggression. :-)

    A lot of people aren't familiar with the name Asa, he was an Old Testament king and it's pronounced ACE-uh

  3. Oh, what a lovely little guy! I love his head of hair. My little one is still practically bald. Hopefully, the gowns will fit a bit longer than you are predicting right now. He looks so sweet.

  4. I love the babies!!
    What a beautiful Boy! God Bless you all - He has!!

  5. Congratulations! What a sweetheart!

  6. Oh, Paris!! He's so handsome! I'm so glad everything went off safely and you're back home among your comforts. I had to stay 4 days and boy, was it nice to get home. He's so beautiful and has a wonderful, strong name. Congratulations for a job well done, mama!

  7. How perfect! Congratulations to you and your many-times blessed family! Asa is a very strong name; I like it a lot.

    Rest up! I'll be praying for you!

  8. Congratulations! He is adorable! Good for you for sticking to your guns at the hospital! I had to do a refusal this morning and it was not fun. Enjoy your time with your precious little one!

  9. Thanks for the kind comments and well wishes everyone! We are settling in nicely, it seems like he has always been a part of our family. :-)

  10. Oh, I am so so happy for you! What a blessing! I was just looking at the precious pictures and thinking what a miracle life is.

    Good for you for sticking to your beliefs on refusing all that you did. I am so glad that the staff didn't give you any trouble.

    Congratulations dear Mrs. G.
