Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Little boy and Big boy have a birthday

Today is Asa's very first birthday! It is so unbelievable that we've had him for a whole year, the time certainly flew by. He isn't walking yet, but gets around very well. He pulls up on everything and is all boy. I don't know if he really is a "boy's boy" or if it's just the difference is more noticible after 4 little girls, but let me attest that boys play different and communicate different than do little girls. It's been such a pleasure having his rough, loud self to love. I suppose now that he's officially a big boy I should try to get him to nurse less and sleep more during the night, he still nurses 3 or 4 times at night, I am beyond sleep deprived!

Tomorrow is Aleks' 20th birthday, I find the whole notion of me having a son that old to be a bit absurd. :-) We will celebrate both birthdays together today since Mr. G and Aleks both work 2nd shift. I know it seems like a cliche' to say "it seems like only yesterday..." but it really does, how could 20 years fly by that swiftly? In some ways I wish that I could just stop the clock right now, right here, with everybody still at home. But it isn't to be, a Mother has so few years to teach and train her babies. I want to cherish every single minute that I have with them.


  1. Happy Birthday to both of your bys!!!!

  2. Happy birthday dear little (big!) Asa!! And happy birthday Aleks! What a blessing to have so many children. Much love to you all.


  3. Happy Happy Birthday to your boys - so super sweet. Where does the time go?
    Also, love the pork. There is NOTHING like delicious home grown pork!

  4. Happy Birthday to your boys!!
    I can't believe that Asa is a year old already. It feels like I was just reading your blog about his birth. Babies grow way too fast.

  5. Just waneted to let you know that your blog "MAKES MY HEART SING" lindeelou

  6. And a merry birthday to the men in your life!!

  7. Happy birthday boys! I can't believe Asa is a year old already! Have a great celebration!

  8. Many happy returns to both your birthday boys! Asa looks adorable with that watermelon :)
