Monday, December 13, 2010

Pictures of haircuts

This picture was taken of Katie last week, she doesn't wear make-up every day but is here. I think she looks so beautiful (I'm admittedly prejudiced though) I can hardly believe that I'm old enough to have a daughter this old. Gulp!

I finally got Mr. G to agree that I could cut Asa's hair. It was down to his shoulders and he looked so girly, a lady asked what her name was in the store. Ugh. He looks so boyish now, I love it!
I got my hair trimmed up and offered to any of the girls that they could get their hair trimmed as well. Out of the 5 only Elisabethe and Abigail took me up on the offer. Here is Abigail, 5 years old.
And Elisabethe, 7 years old. Their hair is still below the shoulder, layered, with bangs. They can brush it themselves and it wears so much nicer now. I love long hair on girls but not when it's a ratty mess; I never seemed to manage to get it put up a lot of the time. A Mom has to know her limitations and when to concede that they can't do *everything*.

Elisabethe and Abigail got matching Middleton babies for their birthdays. A blond baby to match blond Elisabethe and a brunette baby to match brunette Abigail. Matching haircuts now too! :-) They practice their "mommy" skills daily, it's endearing to see.


  1. That picture of Kate is so beautiful!!!!! She such a dear girl.

    Asa looks so sweet. I love his eyes. :D

    The little girls both look so charming. I love how they almost match you new cut. :)They are the cutest little girls I've ever seen!

    I've considered getting my hair cut. I did want it short with layers. Now I'm looking more towards side bangs and slight layers on the bottom.... I haven't have my hair cut in style since I was like 3 or 4 and that was just straight bangs so I'm alittle timid of chopping mine off now..... :D


  2. Brooke, I hear you! Katie is contemplating a cut but she's afraid she'll regret it,I told her she would regret it. At first anyway. :-) Go for it, hair grows back!

  3. I think I will, Paris, I'll have to start finding pictures of how I want so I make sure they don't cut it wrong. :D lol


  4. All of your children are so beautiful!

  5. Asa has grown SO much!!! My goodness! He looks like a little man... And your girls are so beautiful. I never get tired of seeing photos of your gorgeous family.

  6. Thanks all! :-)
    Amy, I know, he's such a big boy now. He really acts like he's the alpha male around here, it's so cute to see! He is *finally* getting around to walking, he hasn't been too motivated prior to this. Too many adoring siblings to carry him around, I think. ;-)
