Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Asa's Green Gown

I think that I mentioned getting Asa's image taken this Fall to commemorate his 2nd birthday; I decided that I wanted a gown that looked quasi-military inspired, decidedly boyish in cut and trim, and in a color that would hide dirt.

My taste in historic fashion tends to run toward loud and gaudy, two things that don't appeal to me in modern clothes. I chose a hideously garish shade of green with diarrhea yellow stylized flowers. Perfect. The trim is 100% cotton twill tape that I dyed bright yellow, it is sewn on with a running stitch and is easily removed if need be.

The bodice is flat lined with a light weight cotton and the sleeves are set in without much fullness at all. I also chose to pleat the skirt because it looks more manly than gathers, I think.

His chemise and strapped petticoat were sewn by the lovely and talented Brooke Whitaker. She did a fabulous job!

I have two of the four buttonholes sewn, I get bogged down at the end and just want to quit looking at the thing that I've been laboring on. :-( For buttons I'm using china ringers, the ring being black, it really looks well with the print.

Now hopefully he won't have outgrown this gown by September!


  1. He looks so cute! and I actually really like that color green.

    Is that your vegetable garden he is in? It looks HUGE!! and no weeds? I'm envious :)

  2. That is SO adorable! Both gown and boy! He is getting so big, and so handsome. The dress is wonderful and the bright yellow bands are perfect. I can't wait to see his image this fall!

  3. That is utterly gorgeous! I love the print and the trim!

  4. I love this! You did a wonderful job. He looks so...historic! Haha!

  5. Thanks ladies! :-)

    Tiff, that is one of the gardens, we have 3 totaling almost 2 acres. Aleks is the main farmer/gardener and he works out there daily, Levi and Micah both put in long hours too. He mulches with grass clippings but he still has to hoe almost daily, it's all done by hand as we have no rototiller. We have to smile at the people with bitty gardens who *have* to have a rototiller, lol. There are almost 100 heirloom tomato plants, 2 kinds of corn, about 12 varieties of beans: green, dried, cutshort, greasy etc all heirlooms. There is also eggplant, peppers of all varieties, huckleberries and melons plus carrots, parsnips and beets. And still lots that I didn't list. It takes a lot of work to feed us, both on Aleks' end and on mine, preserving the harvest is our #1 priority in the Summer. Tiring but so worth it!

  6. Oh my goodness! His gown turned out so adorable! I'd love to wear a dress that looked like that. :D I'm glad his chemise and petticoat are working fine. :)

    If you need help with things for the dag this fall let me know. I'm clear all summer. All I know of right now is 3 modest swim suits which are for me and my sisters and will be quick.. :) So if you're still hoping to do the picture, I'm here. :)

    Your gardens are looking amazing! Aleks' dedication is outstanding! Most people his age haven't ever set foot in a garden. We have a tiny garden here and we also do our grandma's which is bigger. We don't use a rototiller either. I tend to prefer hoeing and pulling small weeds rather then mulching since it seems like our mulch never works and it makes it even worse to try to keep the weeds out. And your so brave preserving all of that. :D I know how much work it is and how tiring it can get...Dad wants us to start drying alot of our stuff so we don't have to rely on freezers (not that we do, we actually can most of it, but still...) and things will take up less space. We have a rather large house, but its packed. We have jars, food, etc. every where in the basement. lol

    Its so wonderful to have you back online. I've missed you sooo much. :) I hope y'all are having a fantastic evening. :)


  7. Just darling! Good work! Did you use Liz's pattern?

  8. Emily, yes I did use the infant pattern but it will be the last time for that one as there's no ease really left. He'll go into the big girl/boy pattern next time.
    Mrs. G
