Sunday, February 6, 2011

Goings on

It's Sunday morning, almost noon and we're done with church so I thought I'd write a bit. We've been going through Hebrews, I enjoy hearing Mr. G expound on it, but it's deep stuff so we take it only a chapter per week. Katie opened a can of pork and mixed with BBQ sauce for pulled pork sandwiches for lunch. We've had that quite a lot this winter. Our seed orders are ready and we've been discussing buying 2 bummer lambs to raise for meat. I like lamb and another source of grassfed meat would be welcome. The men have been cutting wood every day or sometimes every other day, Levi and Micah haul it home and then Mr. G and Aleks split it. Lately it's been yummy, fragrant cherry.

We watched a hawk swoop down the other morning and kill one of Micah's banties. :-( There are mice, voles and rabbits galore, but the hawk prefers "chicken welfare". Tansy is due to calve in another month or so, I'm ready for it! We're eagerly checking the weather in anticipation of syrup season. I just ordered another 20 gallon cast iron cauldron. In some areas of the country you can pick them up for very little money, here however, they go for way too much money! The Amish still use them and demand drives up the price. Anyway, I bought both of ours from the same folks in SC. They're honest, decent people and I enjoy doing business with them. Syrup boiling should go twice as fast now. Aleks and the boys use the roaring fire to melt lead to cast their bullets. It helps break the monotony of sitting up in the sugar camp for hours, plus it's a useful skill.

In the background there is our deceased vehicle. So, currently we have no working transportation! :-) Woo Hoo! Mr. G is working some things out, so by hook or by crook we should have something figured out in a day or two. That's pretty well the sum of happenings in our neck of the woods!


  1. we're looking forward to maple syrup season here too - we usually don't make much as we do it on the stove in the house (it's so much steam it practically peels the wallpaper)but my family wants to do it outside this year so we can make more - we have been looking for a cast iron cauldron but can't seem to find one for less than several hundred dollars - where did you get yours and how much was it? (if you don't mind my asking)
    Hannah (from the sewing academy)

  2. Hannah, if you boil your sap in cast iron you will be thrilled with how much better it tastes and quicker it boils down! We paid $300 for a 20 gallon including shipping. You might not need one that big and so could spend less, I know they're pricey but it's an investment and your grandchildren's children will still be using it! I buy from Perry and Luann Masters, their number is 864-862-7987. Give them a call, they have lots of pots in all shapes and sizes. If they quote prices that you think are too high, well, that's OK at least you'll have more information than before. They aren't making *quality* pots anymore, the new ones (besides being way too much $$) are of shoddy, often Chinese, construction. They aren't the same thing at all. Old pots are by far superior. Good luck and let me know how it goes!

  3. Thanks for the information - we're willing to make an investment, we just had no idea whether the prices we were seeing online were accurate, and $300 for a 20 gallon is a lot cheaper than prices I've seen elsewhere for one that big !

  4. Sounds like things are pretty exciting at your house. :) Wish things were the same here. :D About the only thing I'm looking forward is reenactments. :D I do wish I had my goats bred so I could look forward to kids, but alas they aren't so maybe chicks will have to do. lol I do dislike chickens alot tho. :-/

    I'm sure syruping season is a blast there! I wish so much I could come help y'all. :) Maybe I can go to the Howerter's couple days this season to do it with them. We had so much fun when we did it before. :)

    That's so terrible about your transportation. I know how trying that can be. Just a couple weeks ago all our vehicles were out of commission. Thank goodness for Grandparents that lone us their car when we need it. :) I don't know what we'd do with out them. :) And of course a brother that's a good mechanic. :D lol

    Hope y'all have a lovely evening and tell everyone I said hey. :)


  5. Hannah, the Masters are honest people with fair prices. They will e-mail pictures of any that you're interested in and quote you exact shipping charges. Do give them a call!

    Brooke, yup, that's us, never a dull moment! You tell your Dad and Mom that you want a bus ticket to come visit us and you'll never ask for anything else as long as you live! We could use another worker here! I'm so ready for spring, it's hard not to be impatient. :-)

  6. Who do you order your seeds from? We're expanding our garden this year and I want to move up a step from the big-box-store seeds if I can. I'm probably already running behind, but this is the first year I actually have *space* to garden in and i'm excited!

  7. Jenny, we have used Baker Creek but their prices leave a lot to be desired. I'd order their catalog anyway, it's full color, glossy delightfulness! We've ordered from Sand Hill Preservation, their prices are way better but their catalog isn't as pretty. I think we used Heirloom Acres one year, but I'm not positive. Since we grow open pollinated varieties we save our own seeds and consequently order less seeds every year. As far as heirloom dry beans, Aleks grows those and has seeds to sell if you (or anybody) is interested. Oh, just remembered another, we've bought from Southern Exposure and Pine Tree Garden too. :-)
